Jotham's Journey
Jotham's Journey
Book 1 of 4 in the Jotham's Journey Advent Series
In this widely popular, exciting story for the advent season, readers follow ten-year-old Jotham across Israel as he searches for his family. Though he faces thieves, robbers, and kidnappers, Jotham also encounters the wise men, shepherds, and innkeepers until at last he finds his way to the Savior born in Bethlehem.
Format | Paperback
Pages | 168
Publication Date | August 2008
Publisher | Kregel Publications
Check out the other books in this series:
Bartholomew's Passage (Book 2 of 4)
Tabitha's Travels (Book 3 of 4)
Ishtar's Odyssey (Book 4 of 4)
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