The Silver Cup
The Silver Cup
From the Publisher:
Original Story by J.B.E., 1849
Illustrated by Lorraine Larsen
Meet Emma, a good little girl, who obeys her parents happily. One day, Emma's devotion to obey is overcome by selfish desires and she makes one wrong choice. This one sin opens the door to another and before little Emma realizes it, she is hiding one wrong decision after another.
As we quickly realize in life, our sin does not just hurt ourselves, but everyone around–especially those we love. What will it take for Emma to confess? No matter your age, this beautiful story, The Silver Cup, Illustrated, will leave you encouraged to make godly choices, confess your sin quickly, and keep short sin accounts. See what it takes for Emma to learn her lesson and restore the relationships around her.
Format | Hardcover
Length | 32 pages
Age Range | 2-5
Publisher | Lamplighter
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