Trusty Tried & True
Trusty Tried & True
From the Publisher:
Written by Mark and Debbie Hamby
Illustrated by Jennifer L. Hamby
Trusty: Tried and True is part of the Children's Collection.
Written in the style of Dr. Seuss, this adorable adventure is bursting with colorful imagery to heighten a child's imagination and stir creativity. Your children will learn much about selfishness, pride, and vanity through the characters of Brawny, Smarty, and Beauty. But most importantly, they will want to be more like Trusty, our hero, who is so eager to help. With self-sacrifice and courage, Trusty is willing to try. You can be sure you’ll soon know this story by heart, for it will undoubtedly become a family favorite—to be read over and over and over again!
Format | Hardcover
Length | 32 pages
Age Range | 2-5
Publisher | Lamplighter
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